(image by chocolatetradingco.com)
According to The Nibble “Somewhat tart throughout; but the berry, citrus, and almond flavors lend a unique sharpness to this chocolate”.
(image by chocolatetradingco.com)
According to The Nibble “Somewhat tart throughout; but the berry, citrus, and almond flavors lend a unique sharpness to this chocolate”.
(photo by Lee McCoy)
Salon du Chocolat Paris 2003 – 1er Prix
Silver in “Best bean to bar” category – Academy of Chocolate Awards 2007
(photo: Amano)
2009 Academy of Chocolate Awards – GOLD in best bean to bar dark category
2008 Academy of Chocolate Awards – BRONZE in best bean to bar dark category
“The quality of chocolate is influenced by time and place. Flavor changes with the seasons and is intricately tied to the soil and climate. At the turn of the century, Criollo cacao trees were brought from Venezuela to the island of Madagascar. We craft this chocolate from beans from the offspring of those trees. The mild chocolate character comes from the trees’ Venezuelan heritage. The hints of citrus come from Madagascar’s soil and climate and are unique to beans from Madagascar. The marriage results in an extraordinary chocolate you will love.” (description on the bar)
Ingredients: Cocoa beans, Pure cane sugar, Cocoa butter, Whole vanilla beans.
Cocoa beans from Sambirano Valley, Madagascar (single estate). Read More →
(photo – Amedei)
Ingredients: cocoa mass, cane sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla
20°N & 20°S (Candice Alström)
Seventy Percent
Choco Files (PDF file)
Schokolade Blog
Chclt.net (95/100)
9.70 EUR in Amedei online shop
18.99 USD on Amazon.com