(photo by Lee McCoy)
Silver in “Best bean to bean dark” category – Academy of Chocolate Awards 2009
“Once in a great while, a great chocolate is created. This is one. We have created this chocolate exclusively with beans from the Ocumare Valley in Venezuela. The beans from Ocumare create a chocolate that is rich and chocolately but is also complex in flavor with hints of red fruit such as plum. We have created this bar using our traditional machinery and our own touch of love. If you have been waiting to see what an American chocolate maker can do, this is the bar for you.” (Amano)
Ingredients: cocoa beans, pure cane sugar, cocoa butter, whole vanilla beans.
Amano Ocumare reviews:
Chocablog (Dom Ramsey) – http://chocablog.com/reviews/amano-madagascar-ocumare/
Choco Files – https://sites.google.com/site/chocolatereviewsite/reviews/Amano-Ocumare-70.pdf
Chocolate Note (blog discontinued)
Chocolate Ratings – http://chocolateratings.wordpress.com/2008/01/24/amano-70-ocumare-madagascar-and-cuyagua/
Chocolate Reviews (Lee McCoy) – http://www.chocolatereviews.co.uk/amano-ocumare-70/
Jim’s Chocolate Mission – http://www.chocolatemission.net/2009/03/march-5th-amano-70-dark-chocolate.html
Mostly About Chocolate (Judith Lewis) – http://mostlyaboutchocolate.com/amano-ocumare-chocolate-bar-review/
One Golden Ticket (Richard Vaughan) – http://onegoldenticket.blogspot.com/2011/09/review-amano-ocumare.html (new!)
Seventy Percent (Hans-Peter Rot, Alexander Rast) – http://www.seventypercent.com/2007/07/amano-ocumare/
Amano Artisan Chocolate on the Web:
Amano website * Amano on Facebook * Amano on Twitter
Really enjoyed this post. I oreredd several single-origin bars from another chocolate maker one year and really, really enjoyed the! experience. Now it seems I have another chocolate source to try!